Deliberate Escape

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Tidbit Tuesday: What to Wear

It’s been awhile since I wrote a tidbit, but a friend of mine stated that one of her friends who reads my blog looks forward to my little tidbits (which made me smile) so it’s time to offer you another tip. I will try to get back to my tidbit Tuesday routine and share with you a nugget of something useful.

Back in the spring, I had a wedding to go to in New York. I have been back a few times since we pulled the plug on New York, but not unlike you, I wanted to look my best when seeing my friends, especially since it’s been a bit of time.  

In preparation for this event I went shopping and bought a few dresses, all of which I thought looked pretty good in the store, to my surprise. I brought them home and tried them on and couldn’t decide which one to wear, so I enlisted my husband for his advice, something I don’t often do, which probably is an error on my part.

I tried on the dresses one by one, looked in the mirror, went down to his office and in a very diplomatic way, he voiced his opinion. Now, being a bit sensitive and conscience about my appearance, I questioned his recommendation, so I asked him to take a picture of me in the various dresses. 

What I saw in the picture was not what I saw in my full-length mirror. I was a tad distraught at the results, but it allowed me to make the best decision. I ended bringing all the dresses back because what I liked in the mirror I did not like in the photo.  I ended up wearing a new dress that was hanging in my closet waiting to be worn. 

Tidbit Tuesday: When deciding between outfits, have someone take a picture of you with your phone, or IPad or something, and make your decision based on that image. I think you’ll be happy you did, I know I was. 

Turns out, I looked pretty good and I didn’t cringe at the photos I showed up in.  It really worked, give it a try!! Now for this picture, what were they thinking? I was not trying to be disrespectful, but thought this statue was very odd, until I read the description below. So, I apologize for using this picture to exemplify what not to wear, however, perhaps it could or should be viewed as what to wear. It is quite interesting how we often judge appearances without knowing what they really mean. Something else to ponder. Please read description below of the statue in the picture from Martina Franca, Puglia Italy. 

- Basilica di San Martino

Before going on the visit of the right side of the basilica, introduciamoci in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, which opens on the left of the main altar. In the left wall, adjacent to the entrance of the chapel, you will notice in a case the statue of the Madonna Pastorella dating back to the eighteenth century. It is a wooden sculpture, dressed in richly embroidered robes with gold thread, depicting the Madonna in dresses Shepherdess defending Christ's flock from evil, allegorically represented by a black wolf that was punched by the sharp tip of the crook. The subject is very widespread in the shrines of the historic center and in the farms.